The wound is ripe
To be sliced and consumed
Before it consumes her.
Pardon me for the grotesque imagery
It slipped out
Of my grotesque
With a deliberate ease and arrogance
Of utmost feminine frailty.
(Can you please compare this
With a Sylvia Plath gloom
Dipped in “black shoe daddy” memories
And battered by a “red heart biting Ted Hughes”?)
My heroine in the poem
Demanded some drama-
Like ”plucked out Oedipus’s eye balls”
Staring at the wound on the empty sockets.
But that would be-
Too “rationally cartoonish”, lively and manly.
The wound is really really ripe,
Yellowish and yellower
And eternally yellow
When the cart wheeled and wheels
Quietly over centuries
With one Sylvia to another
“Mortified, petrified, stupefied”-
And mutely brewing inside!
Can it be consumed
Before it consumes further?
Before it consumes further?